Earn money by registering new customers

Become an affiliate and earn money by registering clients in our memberships.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity


Know The Characteristics That Define Us

How We Help

Know how the affiliation works


Become an affiliate and earn money by signing customers up for memberships.A membership fee of $249. To become an affiliate, you must provide 10% of all sales generated through its affiliate program.

Become an affiliate and earn money by signing customers up for memberships.

Earn money every time a customer buys a service.

Earn money by signing up affiliates to join our team.

Meet Darrius Walls

Generational Wealth Team has over 18 years of experience providing vehicles for tax strategies and tax grants, asset management, retirement planning, and estate planning, business and personal credit, and business and personal coaching. My network includes more than 100 insurance companies, 100 lenders, and banks. We are aligned with providing options designed to fit the financial goals of our clients. While I am based in Chicago, I am licensed in 35 states across the country, and my parent company is licensed in all 50 states. Combining our thoroughness and resources provides reassurance to our clients knowing they have the best!

Generational wealth team

We work hard to be competitive and shatter competitor options for our clients to rest knowing they have the best.


Affiliate Business

Know information for affiliate business

Membership to Join


Get 10% of all sales generated through its associated plans.

Become an affiliate and earn money by signing customers up for memberships.

Earn money every time a customer buys a service

Earn money by signing up affiliates to join our team


Our satisfied customer says

Become an affiliate and earn money by registering clients in our memberships.



Increase your income


High ROI


Low-Cost Start-Up


Low Risk

Frequently Asked Questions

Earn money by enrolling new customers in our memberships

Earn 10% of all sales generated through your associated plans.


Become an Affiliate

Become an affiliate and earn money by signing customers up for memberships. A membership fee of $249 is required to become an affiliate, and 10% of all sales are generated through its associated plans.

✓ Become an affiliate and earn money by signing customers up for memberships.

Earn money every time a customer buys a service.

Earn money by signing up affiliates to join our team.

JOIN TODAY! and take advantage of the incredible benefits